Online video tutorials
Learn how to create precise surgical line work in Adobe Illustrator with our latest series of video tutorials.
Advanced Foundation Course in Medical Art
The one-year Advanced Foundation Course in Medical Art focusing entirely on traditional drawing techniques, starts in October.
Congratulations to Charlotte Donald Wilson for passing her final exam!
Congratulations to Charlotte Donald Wilson for submitting a great portfolio for her final exam which she passed on December 1st 2022. She is now a full member of the Medical Artists’ Association of Great Britain and will receive her certificate at the Liverpool conference in April 2023. Well done Charlotte!
Congratulations to Emily Paul for passing her final exam!
Congratulations to Emily Paul for passing her final exam with flying colours and for becoming a full member of the Medical Artists’ Association of Great Britain! We wish her all the best in her freelance work!
MAET Alumni student Jennifer N. R. Smith shortlisted for Association of Illustrators 2022 awards
Huge congratulations to Jennifer Smith for being shortlisted for Association of Illustrators 2022 awards and the V&A Illustration 2022 Awards for the BBC History Magazine cover image about endometriosis. Well done Jenny! For more information about her artwork visit her website Wonder Theory and see her entry for the AOI and V&A.
MAET 25th Celebratory Exhibition – 30th June
Our newest member of the MAA. Welcome Courtney!
Congratulations go to Courtney Stabb who graduated this year with a hugely deserved distinction. Courtney has been a focused and determined student, a pleasure to teach and to have with us at the MAET.