‘Charlotte Holt’ Webinars and workshops explore a variety of additional topics related to the MAET course and are designed to build upon each students’ skill. Select workshop and webinars are also open for professional medical artists and MAA members to attend, providing continual professional development. These events may include topics such as life drawing, surface anatomy life classes, anatomy instruction, 3D facial anatomy modelling, 3D computer graphics, licensing and copyright and digital program tuition for example Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. Workshops may also be held in the UK or Europe, linking with other educational organisations, for example ARS and BIOMAB.
Examples of previous events
20th June 2022
Blender Webinar – Heartbeats – animating heart movements. Full day ‘hands on’ webinar creating heartbeat movements. The first half of the day we will be animating an adult human heart using shape keys, constraints and motion paths. For the second half we will look at the various options for animate blood flow and the attendees will have an opportunity to explore each of these in turn. At the end of the day, attendees should have a fully animated heart and practical skills in a number of animation techniques. Basic skills and understanding of Blender required to participate but please do attend even if you have never used Blender before and just wish to watch and explore the possibilities of animation! Supervisor: Catherine Bone.
13th June 2022
Watercolour workshop A full day workshop covering watercolour techniques, including wet on wet, wet on dry and lifting techniques, as well as colour palette creation, supplies and tools, shading and light, masking technique, water usage tips and layering. The subjects included a variety of different medically inspired objects. Supervisor: Jo Cameron.
23rd May 2022
The workflow of an animation pipeline. Half day talk (rather than hands on) with time for open discussion / questions and answers at the end. Explores the entire process of creating an animation for a client – from initial client outline to final delivery. Discussing in detail pre-production and its considerations, production and post production. Will also be looking at animation styles, available resources and animation programs. A talk for students and professionals – including those who have never created an animation before but wish to explore the field, or working animators who want to attend to compare work practices and have a friendly discussion on the topic. Supervisor: Catherine Bone.
16th May 2022
Patient Positioning project tutorial. In this one hour webinar we covered the project requirements, examples of good patient positioning within illustrations and good places to look for assets to help you construct the artwork. For the last thirty minutes, we went through an example artwork step by step, concluding with a short summary Q&A session. Supervisor: Catherine Bone.
Tuesday 5th November 2019
Anatomical specimens, observing specimens and developing accurate artworks, working in pen and ink. Held at the Gordon Museum, Guy’s Campus, London. Supervisor: Jo Cameron.
Monday 23rd September 2019
Carbon dust technique at Bolton Hospital. Supervisor: Jo Cameron.
Monday 7th and Tuesday 8th October 2019
Scientific illustration. An introduction to scientific and anatomical illustration within the life sciences, natural history room at the Gordon Museum. Supervisor: Jo Cameron.
22nd July 2019 – 3D Animation in Blender
Supervisor: Catherine Bone.
17th June 2019 – 2D Animation
Supervisor: Catherine Bone.
20th May 2019 – After effects and cinematography
Supervisor: Catherine Bone.
15th March 2019 – Website design. Supervisor: Catherine Bone.
15th February 2019 – Hand Anatomy workshop. Supervisor: Catherine Bone.
18th January 2019 – Carbon Dust. Supervisor: Jo Cameron.
[foogallery id=”1271″]13th July 2018 – Baby head sculpting with Pascale Pollier.
14th May 2018 – Hip reconstruction workshop. Supervisor: Catherine Bone.
30th July 2018 – Knee reconstruction workshop. Supervisor: Catherine Bone.
Yoga Life Drawing at the 69th Annual MAA Conference in Bath
Life drawing workshop. Supervisor: Jo Cameron.

Drawings by Julia Ruston
Shoulder anatomy Reconstruction
12th February 2018. Supervisor: Catherine Bone.
Foot anatomy Reconstruction
21st November 2017. Supervisor: Catherine Bone.
Hand and Forearm anatomy Reconstruction
19th June 2017. Supervisor: Catherine Bone.
Merlin Strangeway (MAET student) produced this amazing scribe from the event:
Facial Reconstruction
A very successful two days workshop with Richard Neave held on 27th March and 3rd of April, reconstructing the face by building the musculature from the skull out. Below is a gallery from the day.
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”33″ gal_title=”Facial reconstruction April 2017″]Anatomical sculpting workshop
BIOMAB-ARSIC Dissection Drawing Day
Held in Antwerp, Belgium as part of the 10th Antwerp Medical Students’ Congress SURGERY: ON THE CUTTING EDGE, 14-18th Sep 2016.
Tuesday 8th November 2021
Contracts, copyright and self promotion. Online webinar. Supervisor: Jo Cameron.
Tuesday 5th November 2019
Anatomical specimens, working in ink. At the Gordon Museum, London. Supervisor: Jo Cameron.
Monday 23rd September 2019
Carbon dust technique at Bolton Hospital. Supervisor: Jo Cameron.
Monday 7th and Tuesday 8th October 2019
Scientific illustration. An introduction to scientific and anatomical illustration within the life sciences, natural history room at the Gordon Museum. Supervisor: Jo Cameron.
22nd July 2019 – 3D Animation in Blender
Supervisor: Catherine Bone.
17th June 2019 – 2D Animation
Supervisor: Catherine Bone.
20th May 2019 – After effects and cinematography
15th March 2019 – Website design. Supervisor: Catherine Bone.
15th February 2019 – Hand Anatomy workshop. Supervisor: Catherine Bone.
18th January 2019 – Carbon Dust. Supervisor: Jo Cameron.
[foogallery id=”1271″]13th July 2018 – Baby head sculpting with Pascale Pollier.
14th May 2018 – Hip reconstruction workshop with Catherine Sulzmann
30th July 2018 – Knee reconstruction workshop with Catherine Sulzmann
Yoga Life Drawing at the 69th Annual MAA Conference in Bath
Life drawing workshop with Jo Cameron

Drawings by Julia Ruston
Shoulder anatomy Reconstruction
12th February 2018 – with Catherine Sulzmann
Foot anatomy Reconstruction
21st November 2017 – with Catherine Sulzmann
Hand and Forearm anatomy Reconstruction
19th June 2017 – with Catherine Sulzmann
Merlin Strangeway (MAET student) produced this amazing scribe from the event:
Facial Reconstruction
A very successful two days workshop with Richard Neave held on 27th March and 3rd of April, reconstructing the face by building the musculature from the skull out. Below is a gallery from the day.
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”33″ gal_title=”Facial reconstruction April 2017″]
Anatomical sculpting workshop
BIOMAB-ARSIC Dissection Drawing Day
Held in Antwerp, Belgium as part of the 10th Antwerp Medical Students’ Congress SURGERY: ON THE CUTTING EDGE, 14-18th Sep 2016.