MAA 74th Annual Conference – 10th-11th April 2025, Edinburgh

MAA 74th Annual Conference – 10th-11th April 2025, Edinburgh

Our 74th Annual Conference will be held on the 10th -11th April 2025 at the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. Anatomical specimens, talks, museum tours and bodysnatchers will all be included! Booking will open in the New Year.

This is a two-day event at the prestigious Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and we are inviting our fellow professionals in IMI, AEIMS and the AMI to attend at the same member rates as MAA members. We will also be inviting all student members of those organisations and students of other postgraduate medical art courses to attend at special student rates. The conference will also be advertised to medical schools and institutions within Edinburgh, Dundee and Glasgow. A full programme of fascinating talks is planned along with tours of the anatomical museum in Edinburgh, a chance to see some exquisite historical medical artworks and a rare opportunity to access anatomical specimens for study and drawing, along with an evening ‘Ghost Walk’ and plenty of opportunities to socialise and network with your fellow medical artists!

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